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Sharks in Danger: Silver Fins and a Silver Lining?

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Shark! We hear the word, and our senses heighten with fear-inducing images of scything fins and serrated teeth. But what is the truth about these frequently vilified denizens of the deep? Join New England Aquarium scientists Mark Smith and John Mandelman for a deeper look at the shark: their cultural impact, their diversity and biology, and, in the context of marine conservation and human interactions, how we should be terming it “shark attacked” rather than “shark attack.” Finally, learn more about some of the amazing scientific and tireless advocacy work fighting to counteract the mounting conservation threats facing these majestic animals around the globe, as well as a preview of shark-related offerings in the spring lecture series, and work out of the Aquarium’s new Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life.

Dr. Mark Smith is Vice President of Animal Care at the New England Aquarium. He has worked at institutions all over the world and has worked with a wide variety of organisms, including whales, dugong, penguins, shorebirds, otters, sea turtles, amphibians, seahorses, sea dragons, king crabs, jellyfish and corals, as well as a wide variety of land-based animals.
John W. Mandelman, Ph.D. Research Scientist (at NEAq in various positions since 2001) B.A. University of Rochester, 1996, Psychology Ph.D. Northeastern University, 2006, Biology Research Interests: stress physiology of elasmobranch fishes (sharks, rays and skates), applied fisheries biology, and physiological ecology of fishes. More specifically: 1) the physiological alterations caused by stress in elasmobranchs and other finfish; 2) the mortality of discarded bycatch in fishing operations; 3) strategies to reduce the incidental capture of elasmobranchs; and 4) movement and distribution of marine finfish around artificial structures (i.e. fish aggregation devices). Current Projects include: The immediate and delayed mortality of western North Atlantic skates due to fishing capture (funded by NOAA Fisheries Northeast Region); impacts studies on the exclusion zones associated with deepwater liquid natural gas (LNG) terminals in Massachusetts Bay (Funded by Excelerate Energy, L.L.C. & Suez Energy North America, Inc.).