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Role of Citizen Action in Solving Global Warming

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Date and time
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Graphic designer Ken Ward and community organizer Andree Zaleska discuss how ordinary citizens can contribute to finding solutions to global warming. While governments debate climate change policy and researchers investigate its causes and models its effects, Ward and Zaleska argue that this problem that is bigger than any one of us, but will affect all of our lives. This talk is part of Cambridge Forum's After Copenhagen: Global Climate Change Conference, recorded by Steve MacAusland.

Ken Ward is an environmental activist, writer and graphic designer. Former Deputy Director of Greenpeace USA, he also served as Executive Director of the Rhode Island and New Jersey Public Interest Research Groups. Ken and his partner Andree Zaleska are rehabbing the JP Green House, a 100-year-old building in Jamaica Plain, as a zero-carbon dwelling. JP Green House serves as the Boston hub for 350.org.
Andrée Zaleska is community organizer for the Institute for Policy Studies, where her work addresses climate-change and the economic crisis.