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Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

Funding provided by:

Resilient Places and People

In partnership with:
With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Thursday, September 20, 2018

“Breathing Room: Mapping Boston’s Green Spaces,” was an exhibition on view at the Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library in 2018. It presented an array of historical maps that display Boston’s great tradition of understanding open space as a vital resource for the city and for the region. As Boston grapples with pressing issues like access, equity and climate change, it is essential to recognize the critical role landscape plays in the creation of resilient places. Boston is experiencing higher seas, warmer temperatures, and stronger storms. As its citizens accommodate more water and heat, the landscapes must be both functional and beautiful. In partnership with the Leventhal Center, the [Boston Society of Landscape Architects](http://bslanow.org/ "") and [NBBJ](http://www.nbbj.com/ "") host a conversation on what our priorities should be as we build upon this legacy and look ahead. Photo: Stoss Landscape Urbanism

Kalila joined Barr as the Climate Resilience Program Officer in 2018. Kalila has over a decade of experience in community organizing around affordable housing, land development, and environmental justice. She served as the Executive Director at Alternatives for Community and Environment (ACE) for eight years. Before joining ACE in 2009, she worked as a Senior Organizer at Community Labor United. Kalila has a Bachelor's degree from Bates College, where she studied American Studies and Spanish, and a Master of Public Policy from the Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning School at Tufts University.
Bryna Lipper has held leadership roles in government, nonprofit, and private sector organizations dedicated to advancing the quality of urban life. As cofounder and senior vice president for 100 Resilient Cities, she led the formation of its urban resilience practice and global network to enable cities to adapt to 21st century challenges.
**Chris Reed** is the founding director of Stoss and Professor in Practice of Landscape Architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. He is also the co-editor of \_Projective Ecologies\_ and a member of Van Alen Institute's Climate Council. Photo: [Chris Reed on Twitter](https://twitter.com/chrisreedstoss "Chris Reed on Twitter")
Experience in climate change and sustainability planning, real estate, government (City of Boston, U.S. EPA and U.S. Senate), environmental nonprofits, socially responsible investing, and strategy consulting.
Ellen Watts, AIA, LEED AP is a driving force behind Architerra's innovative sustainable design practice, bringing a focused, multi-disciplinary approach to Architerra's creative enterprise. In addition to her role as Architerra co-founder and co-manager, Ellen shares responsibility for designing and delivering award-winning projects.
**Dante Ramos** is a columnist on the Boston Globe's Op-Ed page. Ramos joined the Globe's staff in 2006 and has since served as deputy editorial page editor and written editorials on how cultural restrictions limit Boston's economic vitality that earned him a place as a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2014.