Former Indianapolis mayor Stephen Goldsmith, special advisor to President Bush on faith-based and not-for-profit initiatives, keynotes a panel discussion on the role of religion in American cities. The panel also includes Boston College political science professor Marc Landy, Thomas Massaro, of the Weston School of Theology, and Lynch School of Education Interim Dean Joseph O'Keefe. Boston College political science professor Alan Wolfe, director of the Boisi Center, moderates. Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, Joseph Quinn, provides the introduction.
Former Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith has been a chief architect of Bush's domestic policy agenda, focusing on downsized government and faith-based institutions as a way to rebuild communities. Goldsmith has lectured at Harvard and Columbia and coordinates the campaign's positions on issues from social security to the environment.
Marc Landy has a BA from Oberlin College and a PhD in government from Harvard University. His literary works include: *Presidential Greatness (Kansas U. Press, 2000)*,*Environmental Protection Agency From Nixon to Clinton: Asking the Wrong Questions*, *Seeking the Center:Politics and Policymaking at the New Century (2001)* and T*he New Politics of Public Policy*, and *American Government: Balancing Liberty and Democracy (co-authored with Sid Milkis)*. In addition to teaching undergraduates and graduate students, he regularly teaches public officials from Ireland and Northern Ireland about American politics through a series of executive programs run by the Irish Institute. His recent articles include: *The Bush Presidency after 9/11: Shifting the Kaleidoscope in the inaugural issue of the E Journal Forum, Local Government and Environmental Policy, in Martha Derthick ed., Dilemmas of Scale in American Federal Democracy (Cambridge U. Press 1999)* and T*he Politics of Risk Reform, co-authored with Kyle Dell, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum, Fall 1999*.