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Refugee Resettlement: The Massachusetts End of the Pipeline

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Experts: **Mary Truong**, **Jeffrey Thielman**, And **Marjean Perhot** discuss the fundamental questions surrounding the refugee resettlement process in Massachusetts. Who will be resettled in the Commonwealth? How is Massachusetts chosen as their destination? How does the state distribute funds to assist in the resettlement process? Which organizations manage the process of resettlement? This panel of experts focuses on what is being done to resettle the refugees who are already in Massachusetts or who are on their way. (Photo: [Wikimedia Commons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kurdish_Refuge_Camp_in_Suruc_Turkey.jpg ""))

Mary Truong is the Executive Director for Massachusetts Office of Refugees. For the Office of Refugees she also serves as Commissioner and State Refugees Coordinator. Additionally, she is the Patient Relations and Outreach Director at Dorchester House Multi Service Center.
Jeff Thielman is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the International Institute of New England, an organization that serves more than 2,000 immigrants and refugees each year. Previously he was the President of Cristo Rey Boston High School and the Vice President of the Cristo Rey Network, which serves students with families with limited financial resources.
Marjean Perhot is the Director of Refugee and Immigrant Services for Catholic Charities of Boston. Catholic Charities is an organization dedicated to building a just and compassionate society.