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Race Relations and Black History in Higher Education

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Date and time
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin gives the Holmes-Hunter Lecture at the University of Georgia. Franklin, who is involved in a number of academic outreach efforts for Atlanta public high schools, compares the financial assistance for underprivileged youth to crime, with which she deals regularly in her position as mayor. She claims that there is no prescription for lowering crime that doesn't include increasing education. The Holmes-Hunter Lecture, which focuses on race relations and black history in regards to aspects of higher education, is given by an influential community leader each April. It was established in 1985 to honor Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter-Gault, who became the first African Americans to enroll at UGA in 1961. Previous speakers include Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson, Vernon Jordan, Nikki Giovanni, and Deborah Roberts.

Shirley Franklin is the 58th mayor of Atlanta. She is also the first female mayor and the first African American woman to serve as mayor of a major southern city. Her term ends in 2009. Franklin served as one of the co-chairs of the 2008 National Democratic Convention. She has held leadership roles in the US Conference of Mayors as the chair of the women's caucus, co-chair of the tourism task force and a member of the environmental committee. She was the first Atlanta mayor to serve as president of the Georgia Municipal Association, which is the only state organization that represents the 502 local governments in Georgia.