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Power of One: Local Heroes of Biodiversity

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Sean Sheehan and Sheila Globus describe their project called Turn the Tide. Take nine simple actions and join more than 12,000 participants nationwide in helping the environment, and in seeing the results of combined action. Leo Kenney and a group of high school students inspire people to certify and protect vernal pools in their neighborhoods. And Time's "Ocean Hero", Niaz Dorry speaks about her own efforts to conserve aquatic life.

Mr. Kenney is the founder of the Vernal Pool Association and was awarded the 1995 Environmental Law Institute and EPA National Wetlands Award for his vernal pool outreach efforts. His book, co-written with Matthew R. Burne, *A Field Guide to the Animals of Vernal Pools* is widely considered the book to use for identifying animals that live in vernal ponds in the Northeast.