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Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Sex and the Spaces Between

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Date and time
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Philosopher, cultural theorist, and film critic **Mladen Dolar** will host two pillars of modern philosophy to talk about their latest works. **Slavoj Žižek** will break down his thinking on "the empty spaces between philosophy, psychoanalysis, and the critique of political economy" laid out in his book _Incontinence of the Void: Economico-Philosophical Spandrels_. **Alenka Zupančič** shares her exploration on what kind satisfaction we get from sex and how it might be replaced with satisfaction from equally sexual activities such as talking or writing, painting or praying. Her new book is titled _What IS Sex?_ Image by Thesupermat - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28518438

Slavoj Zizek is a senior researcher at the Institute for Sociology and Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, Global Distinguished Professor of German at New York University, and international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities of the University of London. He is the author of more than 30 books and is the subject of the documentary, \_Zizek!\_. His own critically acclaimed documentary, [The Pervert's Guide to Cinema](https://www.thepervertsguide.com/ ""), was the subject of a film retrospective in 2007 at the Museum of Modern Art.
is a Slovenian philosopher whose work focuses on psychoanalysis and continental philosophy. She is a Slovenian psychoanalytic theorist and philosopher who along with Mladen Dolar and Slavoj Žižek have in large measure been responsible for the popularity in North America (and Europe) of a politically infused Lacanian psychoanalysis.
Mladen Dolar is a Slovene philosopher, cultural theorist,and film critic. Dolar was the co-founder, together with Slavoj Žižek and Rastko Močnik, of the Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, whose main goal is to achieve a synthesis between Lacanian psychoanalysis and the philosophy of German idealism.