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Parks for All: How City Parks Address Inequity

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Thursday, August 23, 2018

How might city leadership ensure equitable access to open spaces? A group of experts convened by the Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library discuss barriers to access and the interwoven challenges of environmental stewardship, resilient infrastructure, and transportation. They also offer solutions and suggest ways that others can engage politically to advocate for their own open spaces. Photo: [Wikimedia Commons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:1898_ParkSq_map_Boston_byWalker_BPL_12578_detail.png "1898 Park Map")

**Dr. Dutta-Koehler** has over fifteen years of experience in the field of urban planning, design, and architecture as an educator, researcher, and practitioner. An award-winning architect and planner, Dutta-Koehler maintains her own international architectural practice specializing in residential design. Prior to her current appointment, she has been part of the MET faculty since 2006 as an adjunct professor, receiving the Dean’s Citation for Teaching Excellence in 2011. She has also held faculty positions at the University of Texas at San Antonio and Wentworth Institute of Technology, and was a lecturer at MIT. Dr. Dutta-Koehler serves on the Faculty Advisory Boards for the Initiative on Cities and the Institute of Sustainable Energy, and is a Faculty Associate at the Pardee Center for the Longer Term Future at Boston University. Photo: [Boston University](http://www.bu.edu/cityplanning/faculty/madhu-dutta-koehler/ "Madhu C. Dutta-Koehler | bu.edu")
**Kevin Essington** has been in the conservation field in some form or another since working at Rocky Flats in 1994, and he has been volunteering in the field before that. Kevin has experience in management, fundraising, budget management, strategic planning, urban planning, marketing and communications, public policy, community relations and facilitation, and real estate negotiations. He is proud to be leading The Trust for Public Land's mission creating land for people as the state director for Massachusetts and Rhode Island. His job takes him to Boston neighborhoods, creating opportunities for everyone to get outdoors no matter where they live. Photo [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-essington-5736219 "Kevin Essington | LinkedIn")
**Christopher Cook** was elevated to Chief of Environment, Energy, and Open Space for the City of Boston in June 2018. He holds this position in addition to his role as Commissioner of the Boston Parks Department. He is responsible for leading the Cabinet in achieving its mission of enhancing the quality of life in Boston by protecting air, water, climate, and land resources, and preserving and improving the integrity of Boston's architectural and historic resources. Cook received his Master’s in Public Administration from Suffolk University and a BA in English/Theatre from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He lives in West Roxbury with his wife and two daughters. Photo: [City of Boston](https://www.boston.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/christopher-cook "Christopher Cook | CIty of Boston")
Ted Landsmark has been a civic planner, civil rights and equity advocate, higher education administrator, arts and culture researcher, and community-engaged social activist in Boston and nationally. He serves on the leadership committee of the Northeastern University Faculty Senate.