Droughts and flash floods are becoming a new normal in our warming world. What changed ? Our landscapes are losing water as people alter the environment, cut trees, drain wetlands, and use chemicals that destroy the soil. And we’re feeling the heat. By learning from nature we can improve the climate where we live. We can learn from plants and trees which provide air conditioning for the Earth. They help drive the water cycle, tame damaging wind and rain storms and even address giant heat islands over the Midwest and forest fires. Climate scientists Anastassia Makarieva and Andrei Nefiodov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) and botanist Jan Pokorny (co-author of the New Water Paradigm) will discuss these issues and answer audience questions on October 21 at 12:15 pm ET. Hart Hagan, regenerative podcaster, will be the Moderator. Anastassia Makarieva, Andrei Nefiodov and Jan Pokorny are instrumental in advocating for land management policy changes. Ms. Makarieva is a senior analyst at Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute and a fellow at the Technical University of Munich. Her work co-developing the Biotic Pump theory of atmospheric moisture transfer is of singular importance. Jan Pokorný is a leading researcher on solar energy conversion and photosynthesis, founder of Enki NGO, and co-author of the book New Water Paradigm. They have both published numerous papers in peer-reviewed publications. This event is co-hosted by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate and GBH Forum Network. Voices of Water for Climate, a program of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, co-organized the event. ### Resources [ERASMUS project Education for Plant Literacy](https://planteducation.eu/) [Biotic Regulation](https://bioticregulation.ru) [Home page for Voices of water at Biodiversity for a livable climate ](https://bio4climate.org/voices-of-water/) Photo credit: Dan Meyers, Unsplash