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Next Stop: The Future of Mass Mobility

Next Stop #2 - Follow the Money

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Date and time
Monday, May 9, 2022

Public transportation needs to change to be clean, reliable and more attractive to riders. That requires money. Over the next five years Massachusetts will receive more than 9 billion dollars in new federal infrastructure funding. This is in addition to existing state and federal funding for transportation. What are our needs for investments and for operations? Is there enough funding to make our transit system modern, climate-friendly, reliable and safe? At a time when we need to slash carbon emissions and pollution from transportation, and encourage more people to take transit. What are the funding priorities? Join Josh Ostroff,of the Transportation for Massachusetts Coalition, Lizzi Weyant of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, and Brian Kane, Executive Director of the MBTA Advisory Board for this informative discussion moderated by Bob Seay of GBH. ### Resources [MBTA 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan - Oversight Report](https://mbtaadvisoryboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/AB_CIP_oversightFINAL4-29-22.pdf) [MBTA Proposed Fare Tariff Changes for FY 23 - Oversight Report](https://mbtaadvisoryboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/MBTAFareTariffOversightReport3-8-22.pdf) [FY2022 MBTA Operating Budget Oversight Report](http://mbtaadvisoryboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/FY22MBTAOpsBud.pdf) [Born Broke How too much debt and a faltering financing source threaten the MBTA](https://mbtaadvisoryboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Born_Broke.pdf) [Article in the Commonwealth Magazine](https://commonwealthmagazine.org/transportation/let-the-mbta-plan-its-own-future/) [MAPC ARPA Investment priorities](https://www.mapc.org/resource-library/arpa-priorities/) [MAPC list of IIJA resources](https://www.mapc.org/resource-library/iija/) [MAPC transportation finance recommendations](https://www.mapc.org/planning101/mapc-releases-transportation-finance-recommendations/)

Lizzi Weyant joined MAPC in the spring of 2015 and was promoted to Deputy Executive Director of Public Affairs & Advocacy in 2021. In her prior role of Director of Government Affairs, Ms. Weyant oversaw MAPC’s legislative priorities both at the state and federal level, including zoning reform legislation, housing production legislation, transportation funding, and energy and environmental initiatives. Ms. Weyant works closely with several state and regional coalitions and committees, including the Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance and Transportation for Massachusetts, as well as the Massachusetts Association of Regional Planning Agencies, the organization of 13 regional planning agencies in the state. Prior to joining MAPC, Ms. Weyant was the Advocacy Director of Transportation for Massachusetts, a statewide transportation coalition where she successfully advocated for more statewide funding for transportation. Prior to her time at the coalition, Ms. Weyant worked as a staff attorney at the Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group, protecting consumers through legal, grassroots and grasstops advocacy, with a focus on transportation issues and consumer affairs. Upon her graduation from law school, Ms. Weyant clerked for the Honorable Justice Susan Calkins of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court and then began practicing law in Pennsylvania. Ms. Weyant earned a Bachelor of Science in Philosophy from Carnegie Mellon University and a Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia School of Law. Areas of Expertise: Legislative advocacy, transportation policy and finance, policy analysis, coalition coordination
Josh was the coalition's Interim Director and oversaw all coalition operations, leads our staff team, and is the primary contact for our Executive Committee and external stakeholders. Josh also helps to connect our coalition with local and regional government, and with allied organizations and associations all throughout Massachusetts. Josh is a former Natick Selectman, where he is active in local government, a past president of the Massachusetts Municipal Association, and a strong proponent of transportation and public engagement. Josh has a B.A. from Brandeis University.
Prior to serving as Executive Director fpr the MBTA Advisory Board, Kane spent 8 years at the MBTA in many capacities including, Manager of Operating Budget, senior staff of several MBTA General managers, principal staffer to the Fiscal and Management Control Board, and Director of Operations Analysis in T Operations. Kane began his career in public transportation as a budget and policy analyst at the MBTA Advisory Board in 2012. A Brookline resident, he holds a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) from Northeastern University, and a BA in history from Boston College.