Get the perspective on the state of the oceans, fisheries, coral reefs and their response to climate change, along with a talk on new understanding of animals’ emotions and thinking. **Speakers** Carl Safina 00:02:13 Emily Darling 00:26:48 Paul Greenberg 00:44:00 Panel Two Q&A 01:03:20

Carl Safina has been recognized with MacArthur, Pew, and Guggenheim Fellowships, and his writing has won the Lannan Literary Award and the John Burroughs, James Beard, and George Rabb medals. He has a PhD in ecology from Rutgers University. Carl is the inaugural endowed professor for nature and humanity at Stony Brook University, where he co-chairs the steering committee of the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science and is founding president of the not-for-profit Safina Center. He hosted the 10-part PBS series Saving the Ocean with Carl Safina. His writing appears in The New York Times, National Geographic, Audubon, and other periodicals, and on the Web at National Geographic News Watch, Huffington Post, and Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel is Carl’s seventh book.

Emily Darling is an associate conservation scientist at the Wildlife Conservation Society working towards collaborative “big data” approaches to coral reef conservation and fisheries management. She has more than 30 scientific publications and specializes in the areas of climate change, multiple stressors, and community ecology. Emily completed her PhD at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, where she was awarded the national Governor General's Gold Medal for research excellence. For her postdoctoral research, Emily was a David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow through the Society of Conservation Biology and the Cedar Tree Foundation. In 2015, she joined the Wildlife Conservation Society to lead a global coral reef fisheries monitoring program with partners in the Western Indian Ocean, Melanesia, Indonesia, and the Caribbean. In her free time, she enjoys being underwater and counting corals in faraway corners of the world.

Paul Greenberg is the author of the James Beard Award-winning New York Times bestseller Four Fish and a regular contributor to The New York Times. He has also written for National Geographic Magazine, GQ, The Times (of London), Vogue, and lectures on seafood and the environment around the world. He is currently a fellow with The Safina Center and a Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation. His most recent book, American Catch, is published by the Penguin Press and explores how the United States, a country that controls more ocean than any other on earth, came to be a seafood debtor nation, importing more than 90% of its seafood from abroad.