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Naomi Klein: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal

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Date and time
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Naomi Klein is an award-winning, internationally bestselling author and journalist. For two decades she has chronicled the economic war waged on people and the planet. Harvard Book Store describes Klein as, "an unapologetic champion of a sweeping environmental agenda with justice at its center. In lucid, elegant dispatches from the frontlines of contemporary natural disaster, she pens surging, indispensable essays for a wide public." Her latest book, _On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal_ gathers more than a decade of her writing and pairs it with new material on the high stakes of our immediate political and economic choices. Klein is joined by Juliet B. Schor, Boston College professor and former Guggenheim fellow. This event was co-sponsored by [350 Mass](https://350mass.betterfutureproject.org/), [Cambridge Forum](https://www.cambridgeforum.org/), [The Intercept](https://theintercept.com/), [The Leap](https://theleap.org/), and [Sunrise Movement](https://www.sunrisemovement.org/). Image: Book Cover

Mid-age woman with mid-long brown hair and wearing glasses smiling to the camera
Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, columnist, and author of the New York Times and international bestsellers The Shock Doctrine, No Logo, This Changes Everything, and No Is Not Enough. A Senior Correspondent for The Intercept, reporter for Rolling Stone, and contributor for both The Nation and The Guardian, Klein is the inaugural Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Media, Culture, and Feminist Studies at Rutgers University. She is co-founder of the climate justice organization The Leap.
Juliet B. Schor’s research has focused on the economics of work, spending, environment, and the consumer culture. She is the author of *Born to Buy*, *The Overworked American*, and *The Overspent American*. Schor is a professor of sociology at Boston College, a former member of the Harvard economics department, and a Guggenheim Fellowship recipient. She is also a cofounder of the Center for a New American Dream, an organization devoted to ecologically and socially sustainable lifestyles.