Anne Zeiser moderates an invaluable primer for filmmakers on how technology and media are changing content and the audience's consumption of it.There is a glut of films being made these days, from the profound to the vacuous, on every conceivable platform: in theaters, on TV, online, on mobile phones, even in public restrooms. These trends are changing the language of film and raising the bar to getting your film noticed and giving it lasting meaning. In this panel, experts in documentary and narrative film marketing illustrate how the passive standards of getting "eyeballs on the screen and bums in seats" have transformed into more active measures of audience education, engagement, and activation. Learn about developing your film and content for multiple platforms for maximum audience reach; leveraging partnerships and community outreach for authentic and deep penetration; and moving audiences from awareness, to understanding, to action in order to catalyze positive social change. This is an invaluable primer on how technology and media are changing content and the audience's consumption of it. This event is part of the 2008 Making Media Now conference, presented by the Filmmaker's Collaborative.