"Mario Livio, PhD, Senior Astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute. Dr. Livio's research in astrophysics includes supernovae (type 1a), acceleration of the universe, dark energy, and black holes. He is the author of hundreds of scientific papers and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In this program, he discusses astrophysics, his newest book, Brilliant Blunders, his other books 'and his passion for art. Dr. Livio's career as an astrophysicist is coupled with his commitment to making science accessible to the public. He has given public seminars and presentations at the Smithsonian Institution, the Hayden Planetarium in New York, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Glasgow Planetarium, among other institutions. He has appeared on TEDxMidAtlantic and numerous television programs, including 60 Minutes. Dr. Livio is the author of a number of best-selling science books for the general public. The newest title, Brilliant Blunders presents significant errors made by several of our most famous scientists. And in each case, an error led to subsequent important discoveries. The book really illuminates the scientific process and demonstrates how science advances by trial and error. His book awards include the 2003 Peano Prize and the International Pythagoras Prize (for The Golden Ratio)."