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Mameve Medwed: Of Men and Their Mothers

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Date and time
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mameve Medwed reads from her latest novel Of Men and Their Mothers, an exploration of class difference, notions of men and women, and being a wife, a friend, and a nonjudgmental mother. When Maisie Grey finally gets rid of her mama's-boy husband and happily settles down with her teenage son, Tommy, she's still stuck with an irascible mother-in-law. Maisie vows that when Tommy brings someone home, she will be empathetic and supportive, and envelop the young woman in a loving embrace. But along comes September Silva, with her piercings, short skirts, black nail polish, and stay-out-all-night attitude. Eventually Maisie is forced to take a clear-eyed look at class differences, preconceived notions of men and women, and what it means to be a wife, a friend, and a nonjudgmental mother. When do you let go? And how do you let go if you're sure your son is making a very big mistake?

Mameve Medwed is the author of five novels, Mail, Host Family, The End of an Error, How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life (2007 Massachusetts Book Award Honors in Fiction), and Of Men and Their Mothers (pub date April 22, 2008). Her short stories, essays, and book reviews have appeared in, among others, Yankee, Redbook, Playgirl, The Boston Globe, Ascent, The Missouri Review, Confrontation, The Readerville Journal, Newsday and The Washington Post. She has taught fiction writing for many years at The Cambridge Center for Adult Education, has been a mentor in the writing program at Lesley University, read papers for the English Department at Simmons College and has taken part in writing festivals across the country, serving on panels and teaching seminars. She has been interviewed on Maine Public Radio, The Voice of America and other radio and TV programs and has been profiled in many newspapers.