Immerse yourself in the latest amazing stories from beneath the waves as a master underwater photographer reports on his most recent National Geographic assignments. **Brian Skerry’s** surprisingly intimate portraits of marine life have captured the imagination of a generation. From a fascinating look at dolphins’ intelligence to a profile of the enigmatic Bluefin tuna, Skerry’s camera illuminates long-held mysteries of the deep. Explore the netherworld of seamounts and journey through the interconnected ecosystems of the Mesoamerican Reef in this special lecture event.

**Brian Skerry** is the Aquarium's Explorer in Residence and an award-winning \_National Geographic Magazine\_ photographer who specializes in marine wildlife subjects and stories about the underwater world. For 30 years he has explored the world’s oceans in an effort to produce images of elusive animals and rarely seen behavior. Brian typically spends up to 8 months each year in the field working in locations of extreme contrasts from polar climes to tropical reefs. **Recent Expeditions** See Brian's work and read his updates from the field on the Aquarium's Global Explorers Blog. Don't miss his posts from Indonesia, Antarctica the Sea of Cortez and the Phoenix Islands.