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Civil Rights Movement Series


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Date and time
Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Cambridge Forum is pleased to feature Omo Moses, son of legendary civil rights organizer, Robert P. Moses, talking about his new book, The White Peril.

The book is a coming-of-age story, a multigenerational diary, a father-son road trip, a searing account of the Black male experience, and a work that powerfully revives Reverend Moses’s demand for liberation. Moses deftly interweaves his own life story with excerpts from both his great-grandfather’s sermons and the writings of his father, Bob Moses. The result is a compelling memoir that spans three generations of an African-American family, shining a light on the Black experience, and demanding racial justice. Omo will be joined in conversation by Jack Tchen, the Clement A. Price Professor of Public History & Humanities, and Director of the Price Institute on Ethnicity, Cultures, and the Modern Experience at Rutgers University. Tchen, author '"Yellow Peril! An archive of anti-Asian fear" (2016) will be in dialogue with Omo Moses' about Western colonial fears of the non-white Protestant/Christian world. Reverend Moses' remarkable 1919 "White Peril" and Tchen's "Yellow Peril!" get to the roots of liberation struggles, peace-making, and global wellbeing today, especially in the era of climate chaos.

Paris Alston, host of GBH News moderates the discussion.

Listen to Cambridge Forum archived interview with Bob Moses here .

Omo Moses photo courtesy of Early Futures[93].jpeg
Omo Moses is an activist, an educator, and a mediamaker. He is the Founder/CEO of MathTalk, an education technology company that creates products that inspire adults and kids everywhere, particularly those in economically distressed communities, to enjoy math. Moses is a member of the MSNBC Grio 100, a Huffington Post Person of the Day, and a Barr Foundation Fellow.
Jack (John Kuo Wei) Tchen is a historian, curator, writer, and dumpster diver devoted to anti-racist, anti-colonialist democratic participatory storytelling, scholarship, and opening up archives, museums, organizations, and classroom spaces to the stories and realities of those excluded and deemed “unfit” in master narratives.
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Paris Alston is co-host of Morning Edition and The Wake Up podcast at GBH News. Feedback? Questions? Story ideas? Reach out to Paris at paris_alston@wgbh.org.

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