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Linking Money to Mission

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Date and time
Wednesday, June 1, 2005

This forum focuses on expanding our understanding of how nonprofit capital structures' tangible and intangible assets and liabilities affect organizational missions. How should these assets and liabilities be thought about in pursuit of excellence and organizational stability? The forum also highlights inspiring examples of mission effectiveness enabled by sound financial business practices.

Paul Grogan is the president and chief executive officer of the Boston Foundation. Previously, Paul served as vice president for Government, Community and Public Affairs at Harvard University, where he oversaw all government relations for Harvard, relations with Harvard's host communities of Cambridge and Boston, and the Harvard news office. He was also a Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Business School. While at Harvard, Paul also created a new national organization, CEOs for Cities, comprised of large city mayors, business leaders, university presidents and foundation executives. Paul has also served as President and CEO of the nonprofit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), the nation's largest community development intermediary. During his term as president, LISC raised and invested more than $3 billion of private capital in inner-city revitalization efforts across America, channeled through local nonprofit community development corporations. He is a trustee of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, founder and a director of the for-profit company, the Community Development Trust, and a director of New Profit, Inc.
Clara Miller is president of the New York City-based Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF), a national community-development institution that provides financial and advisory services to nonprofits organizations. A member of the Community Development Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Fannie Mae Foundation's Advisory Committee on Affordable Housing Leadership, Miller she serves on the Advisory Board of the Stanford Social Innovation Review. She also serves on the boards of The Robert Sterling Clark Foundation and Community Wealth Ventures, a subsidiary of Share Our Strength. She has written and spoken extensively on nonprofit capitalization, and published an article titled Hidden in Plain Sight: Understanding Nonprofit Capital Structure in *The Nonprofit Quarterly* (spring, 2003).
Born and raised in Lowell, MA, Gerald Chertavian combined his entrepreneurial skills and his passion for working with urban young adults to found Year Up in 2000. Year Up is recognized by Fast Company and The Monitor Group as one of the top 25 organizations in the nation using business excellence to engineer social change. Gerald's commitment to working with urban youth spans more than 20 years. He has actively participated in the Big Brother mentoring program since 1985 and was recognized as one of New York's outstanding Big Brothers in 1989. The recipient of the 2003 Social Entrepreneurship Award by the Manhattan Institute and the 2005 Freedom House Archie R. Williams, Jr. Technology Award, Gerald has been featured in many publications, including The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald, Business Week, Fortune Small Business, and The Christian Science Monitor. He currently serves as a Trustee of Cambridge College and Bowdoin College and is on the Board of Advisors for the Harvard Harvard Business School Social Enterprise Club and New Sector Alliance.
Gail Lattimore is the director of Codman Sq. Development Corp.
Earl Martin Phalen is co-founder, president, and CEO of Building Educated Leaders for Life, a non profit, community based organization dedicated to dramatically increasing the academic achievements, self esteem and life opportunities of children living in low income, urban communities. A graduate of Yale University and Harvard Law School, Phalen has earned several awards in recognition of his commitment to children and the achievements of BELL, including the President's Service Award and the 2006 and 2007 Social Capitalist Awards.