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Learning Through Music: A Model for Arts Integration

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Date and time
Thursday, November 7, 2002

Lawrence Scripp explores music as a medium and model for interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Contemporary educators and researchers have been interested in the possible links between the learning students do in music and learning across the curriculum. Using music as a point of departure, Scripp discusses the innovations and controversies with regard to early development of symbol system skills (literacy in music, math, and reading); arts-integrated teaching and learning processes; research in music and learning transfer; and a "design standards" approach for the development of research-based interdisciplinary music curricula and assessment practices in public schools. This lecture is part of the Arts in Education Program's John Landrum Bryant Lecture Performance Series.

Larry Scripp, Ed.D., is an accomplished educator, researcher, and administrator in music. As a musician, Dr. Scripp has composed many works in the past for musical theater, modern dance, film, and children's animation, and directed a variety of community orchestras and contemporary performing groups in the Boston area. As a research scholar and consultant for arts in education in the past, he has investigated artistic development in children at Harvard Project Zero from 1982-1994 and assessment of arts and general education programs from 1985 to 1995. He has designed and carried out research studies investigating young children's symbolic development, musical perception, musical representation, giftedness, and the development of computer-supported curricula in the arts and humanities. Much of his past research focused on developing 'authentic' measures of students' learning and development in the arts. Since serving as a senior faculty member of undergraduate theoretical studies since 1985, Larry Scripp published several articles (with Lyle Davidson and Alan Fletcher) on the teaching of sight singing in the *Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy* and in books on music learning and giftedness.