As we witness an outpouring of public expression about racial differences in the news and via social media, we sense a tension over the nature of lawful civic engagement and around the obligations between citizens and their government. Young adults especially are raising fundamental questions about the responsiveness of American democracy. As part of its mission, the Museum of African American History will use this forum to provide opportunities for people to engage in constructive dialogue about civil and human rights issues. The conversation with Joy Reid, political analyst for MSNBC and host of “AM Joy,” and Jelani Cobb, Professor of Journalism at Columbia University, will be moderated by Callie Crossley, host of Under the Radar with Callie Crossley on WGBH Radio. In view of the current social climate in this country, MAAH will produce a series of panel discussions entitled _Millennium Conversation: Race in the Public Dialogue_ through which we are asking activists, journalists, and academic and business leaders to address the current societal issues.