Maj. Gen. Charles J. Dunlap Jr. is Deputy Judge Advocate General, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. General Dunlap assists The Judge Advocate General in the professional oversight of more than 2,200 judge advocates, 350 civilian attorneys, 1,400 enlisted paralegals and 500 civilians assigned worldwide. In addition to overseeing an array of military justice, operational, international and civil law functions, General Dunlap provides legal advice to the Air Staff and commanders at all levels. General Dunlap was commissioned through the ROTC program at St. Joseph's University, Pa., in May 1972, and was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1975. The general has served in the United Kingdom and Korea and deployed for various operations in the Middle East and Africa, including short stints in support of operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He has led military delegations to Uruguay, the Czech Republic, South Africa, Colombia and Iraq. Prior to assuming his current position, General Dunlap served as the Staff Judge Advocate at Headquarters Air Combat Command. General Dunlap speaks widely throughout the defense and public policy communities on legal and national security issues. He also speaks at a variety of conferences and at numerous institutions of higher learning, to include Harvard, Yale, Duke, and Stanford, as well as National Defense University and the Air, Army and Navy War Colleges. His publications range from monographs, law review articles and book chapters to professional and general interest publications, op-eds and book reviews. Totaling more than 120 publications, General Dunlap's writings address a wide range of issues including the law, leadership, civil-military relations, airpower, cyberpower and counterinsurgency.