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Invisible Sisters: Jews in the 1960s American South

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Date and time
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Local Atlanta writer Jessica Handler shares cultural nuances about her life story, *Invisible Sisters*, in this talk with many who share her faith.

Jessica Handler's nonfiction has appeared in *Brevity.com*, *More Magazine*, *Southern Arts Journal*, and *Ars Medica*. Her writing has received a "Special Mention" for a 2008 Pushcart Prize and was awarded a merit scholarship to the Inaugural "Writers in Paradise" conference, an honorable mention for the Penelope Niven Creative Nonfiction Award, and enjoyed a Fellowship at the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts. She teaches workshops in creative writing, memoir, and feature journalism, and is a member of the faculty of an art college, where she teaches screenwriting, media history, and other courses of that stripe.