Norman E. Bowie, chair of corporate responsibility at the University of Minnesota, discusses the issues surrounding information technology and intellectual property.

Norman E. Bowie is the Elmer L Andersen Chair in Corporate Responsibility at the University of Minnesota where he holds a joint appointment in the departments of strategic management and philosophy. He is an Academic Advisor with the Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics. His most recent books are *Guide to Business Ethics *(2002) and *Business Ethics: A Kantian Perspective* (1999). In addition his text *Ethical Theory and Business* (with Tom Beauchamp) went into its seventh edition in 2003. Professor Bowie has been a Fellow at Harvards Program for Ethics and the Professions and has served as Dixons Professor of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility at the London Business School. He is past president of The Society for Business Ethics, The American Society of Value Inquiry and former Executive Director of the American Philosophical Association. He serves on the editorial boards of *Business Ethics Quarterly* and *Business and Professional Ethics Journal* and is a senior contributing editor of the new *Journal of Business Ethics Education*. He teaches the required business ethics course in the Minnesota Carlson Executive MBA course as well as sections in the regular MBA program. In 2003 he initiated an international business ethics course that takes MBA students to Europe. He teaches the required ethics course in Minnesota's joint MBA with the Warsaw School of Economics.