On the publication of the first volume of Ernest Hemingway's letters, Sandra Spanier, the book's editor; novelist Ward Just; and moderator Scott Simon, host of NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday discussed *The Letters of Ernest Hemingway: Volume 1, 1907-1922*. The actor, Corey Stoll, who played Hemingway in Woody Allen's recent Midnight in Paris read selections.

An acclaimed novelist and short story writer, Ward Just began his career as a reporter, first for *the Waukegan News-Sun*, then *Newsweek* and later The Washington Post. As the Vietnam correspondent for *The Washington Post*, Just earned a reputation for fearlessness, venturing far into the field to report the war firsthand. Badly wounded during one of these missions, Just refused to be airlifted out until all the enlisted men who had been similarly wounded were taken to safety. This incident is portrayed in Michael Herr's book, *Dispatches *and in Just's own critically acclaimed memoir of the Vietnam War, *To What End*.

**Scott Simon **is the host of NPR’s Weekend Edition with Scott Simon. He has reported stories from all fifty states and every continent, and has won every major award in broadcasting, including the Peabody, the Emmy, the Columbia-DuPont, the Ohio State Award, the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award, and the Sidney Hillman Award. He also hosts shows for PBS and appears on BBC TV. He is the author of the novels Pretty Birds and Windy City, the memoir Home and Away, and the history Jackie Robinson and the Integration of Baseball. Image courtesy of Will O'Leary.