Drawing on his work with skinheads, neo-Nazis and KKK members, sociologist Michael Kimmel considers the root causes of this addiction and how to bring marginalized men back from society’s extremist edge. He is joined by former neo-Nazis Frank Meeink and Tony McAleer, two men who can speak personally to the violence they conducted and how they are devoting their lives now to healing from their pasts and speaking publicly to prevent others from exploring that path. Image by [Evan Nesterak](https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61723994 "") - White supremacists clash with police, CC BY 2.0,

**Michael Kimmel** is a Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at Stony Brook University. He is a world-renowned expert on gender, nationalism and extremism.

**Frank Meeink** is a former white supremacist skinhead gang member in the United States. After a three-year stint in prison, he left the racist skinhead movement and now lectures against it. Born in South Philadelphia, Meeink lived a violent and unpleasant childhood with a lack of a structured family. In his early life, he had no relationship with his biological father and had an abusive stepfather. Meeink's mother abused drugs and alcohol. As a teenager, Meeink was constantly bullied and taunted at school because his peers considered him to be an outcast. At age thirteen, Meeink discovered the Neo-Nazi Movement. By the age of eighteen he was a well-respected Neo-Nazi leader and recruiter. After Meeink served his prison sentence, he went back to where he had spent his childhood in South Philadelphia and by helping with the local hockey team, the Philadelphia Flyers, he created Harmony Through Hockey. This organization was created to give young kids a chance to stay out of the way of violence and have fun while participating. He also visits schools and gives lectures on his life and how to avoid falling into violence and crime. Follow him on Twitter at[ @frankiemeeink](https://twitter.com/frankiemeeink "")

**Tony McAleer** is a former organizer for the White Aryan Resistance (WAR). He served as a skinhead recruiter, proprietor of Canadian Liberty Net (a computer operated voice messaging center used to disseminate messages of hatred), and manager of the racist rock band, Odin’s Law. It was love for his children that finally led Tony on a spiritual journey of personal transformation. Now Tony is the executive director of [Life After Hate](www.lifeafterhate.org/ "") and shares his practice of compassion as an inspirational speaker.