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Hard Facts about Carbon Capture and Storage

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Date and time
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

How much CO2 does the much-promoted carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology actually extract from the atmosphere—and at what cost? Answer: very little extraction and at great cost with serious environmental risks. CCS keeps the fossil fuel industry going at taxpayer expense, although renewable energy and biological sequestration are available, much less expensive, and environmentally beneficial --definitely the only viable solution to the excess atmospheric CO2 crisis. This discussion provides important facts the public rarely gets.

June Sekera, MPA, , Senior Research Fellow, Visiting Scholar, The New School At the New School, Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies, she is director of the Public Economy Project where her work includes the topic areas of collective choice, collective finance, re-thinking the measurement of public sector production and the role of government in climate change mitigation. At the Heilbroner Center, she initiated and is leading a project on “Climate Change and Collective Need,” focused on public policy with regard to one particular form of climate change intervention: atmospheric carbon reduction. June Sekera’s additional affiliations include: • Research Fellow at the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University • Research Fellow at the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, University College, London. More info: June Sekera’s website
Neva Goodwin, Ph.D., Co-Director, Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE), Tufts University. Neva Goodwin is active in a variety of attempts to systematize and institutionalize an economic theory – “contextual economics” – that will have more relevance to contemporary real-world concerns than does the dominant economic paradigm. She applies her economic expertise to developing the potential for biological systems to absorb atmospheric carbon and store it safely in plants and soil. Her approach emphasizes broad community participation that will improve social and economic systems. Dr. Goodwin has edited more than a dozen books, and is the lead author of four introductory textbooks.