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Going to Mars? Better Take Some Gravity

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Date and time
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

There is plenty of hype about travel to Mars, even living on Mars. However, zero-gravity takes a real toll on the human body.
Dr. Lackner is a prominent expert on the physical impact of zero-gravity as experienced by astronauts. He also investigates the effects of artificial gravity as developed in the famous Ashton Graybiel Lab. He discusses what happens to the humans living on space stations, long periods of travel in zero-gravity, and the scientific efforts to develop artificial gravity.

A white man with white hair and wearing glasses looking straight to the camera and not smiling
James Lackner is recognized for his expertise and innovations related to human adaptation to unusual force environments including weightless and artificial gravity conditions. He is distinguished for studies on the physiological and psychological adaptations necessary in space flight, extending periods in space, and the physical readaptations required on return to Earth. Dr. Lackner is the director of the Ashton Graybiel Spatial Orientation Laboratory, which specializes in artificial gravity research. The lab was featured in a 2011 Nova Now program Can We Make It to Mars? hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson.

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