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Going Out and Arrival In: China, Latin America, and Contemporary Globalization

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Date and time
Monday, March 26, 2012

One aspect of the “Rise of China” that is causing anxiety among foreign policy specialists and other people looking for something to be anxious about involves China’s developing relations in what used to be called the third world. As part of China’s “rise,” its state and businesses have become increasingly involved in both commercial and development activities. There is a lot of speculation about whether China is challenging the existing norms of international economics and politics. Dr. Strauss co-edited a special issue of The China Quarterly about China and Africa, and she and colleagues will be publishing an issue about China and Latin America in March. Her talk will focus on how the Chinese think about their engagement in Latin America, and in particular differences in how Chinese actors are engaging with small countries like Peru, as compared to another “rising” state and economy, Brazil. Dr. Strauss served as editor of _The China Quarterly_, the premier academic journal about China, from 2002 – 2011. She brings to her currrent work not only deep knowledge of China but close attention to how the relationship works from the other side, from Latin America.

Julia C. Strauss is a professor in the Department of Political and International Studies at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). She was also the Editor of _The China Quarterly_ from 2002 to 2011. Her research interests span both sides of the Taiwan Straits and are focused on state building and institution building, governance, the environment, and China-Africa relations. Her publications include the edited volumes China and Africa: Emerging Patterns in Globalization and Development (_CUP_ 2009), The History of the People’s Republic of China. (_CUP_, 2006) Julia Strauss has written two books _[Strong Institutions in Weak Polities: State Building in Republican China, 1927-1940](https://smile.amazon.com/State-Formation-China-Taiwan-Bureaucracy/dp/1108701655/)_ (Clarendon, 1998) and _[State Formation in China and Taiwan: Bureaucracy, Campaign, and Performance](https://smile.amazon.com/State-Formation-China-Taiwan-Bureaucracy/dp/1108701655/)_. (Cambridge University Press, 2019) Articles include “Forestry Reform and the Transformation of State Capacity in fin de siècle China” (_Journal of Asian Studies_, 68:4), and “Paternalist Terror: The Campaign to Suppress Counter revolutionaries and Regime Consolidation in the People’s Republic of China, 1950-53” (_Comparative Studies in Society and History_). [![](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41gFDQdcm6L._AC_UY218_ML3_.jpg)](https://smile.amazon.com/State-Formation-China-Taiwan-Bureaucracy/dp/1108701655/) [![](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41K1Q76A4SL._AC_UY218_ML3_.jpg)](https://smile.amazon.com/Strong-Institutions-Weak-Polities-Contemporary/dp/0198233426/)