We could see COVID-19 as a common enemy to unite us, yet several responses to the pandemic have resulted in misinformation that creates confusion, hostility and even violence. Antagonism around how we define the crisis caused by COVID-19 inspires outrage toward mask and vaccine mandates, lockdowns, school and business closures. To make matters worse, global leaders have manipulated information, undermined trust in vaccines, and advanced political agendas by politicizing public health responses. Heidi Legg, Fellow at Harvard University Future of Media project, will moderate a panel discussion with Peggy Slasman, VP of of Public Affairs at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. William Schnaffer, Professor of Preventative Medicine and Infectious Disease at Vanderbilt School of Medicine, and Jonas Kaiser, Ph.D. Associate at Harvard Berkman Klein Center and Assistant Professor at Suffolk University. Together they will consider how effectively public health information and policy has been communicated by governments, public health officials, media, and civic organizations, as well as ways to combat misinformation as we make our way through the pandemic.