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George Scialabba: Low Dishonest Decades

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Date and time
Monday, December 12, 2016

**George Scialabba**, author of _What Are Intellectuals Good For?_ and _Divided Mind_, joins Harvard Law School's **Randall Kennedy** for a discussion of his latest book,_ Low Dishonest Decades: Essays & Reviews 1980-2015_. _Low Dishonest Decades_ charts the thirty-five years in which income inequality has established itself in America as a fundamental problem. Scialabba's prose is thought-provoking and humane—qualities often missing from our current public discourse. Image: [Flickr](https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3759/13906796962_94ffc39b91_b.jpg "https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3759/13906796962_94ffc39b91_b.jpg")

George Scialabba was born and raised in East Boston, MA, and attended Harvard and Columbia. He has been a social worker, a clerical worker, a faculty member of the Bennington Graduate Writing Seminars, and a freelance book critic. His column, "New Thinking," appears bimonthly in the Boston Globe book section. In 1991 he was awarded the Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing of the National Book Critics Circle. He is the author of the widely hailed What Are Intellectuals Good For? and Divided Mind.
Randall Kennedy is a professor at Harvard Law School where he teaches courses on contracts, freedom of expression, and the regulation of race relations. Mr. Kennedy was born in Columbia, South Carolina. For his education he attended St. Albans School, Princeton University, Oxford University, and Yale Law School. He served as a law clerk for Judge J. Skelly Wright of the United States Court of Appeals and for Justice Thurgood Marshall of the United States Supreme Court. He is a member of the bar of the District of Columbia and the Supreme Court of the United States. Awarded the 1998 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award for Race, Crime, and the Law, Mr. Kennedy writes for a wide range of scholarly and general interest publications, and sits on the editorial boards of *The Nation*, *Dissent*, and *The American Prospect*. A member of the American Law Institute, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Association, Mr. Kennedy was awarded an honorary degree by Haverford College and is a former trustee of Princeton University. Image courtesy of Martha Stewart.