In these uncertain times, one thing is certain - transportation is more important than ever. Federal transportation policy can be confusing and feel disconnected from our day-to-day lives. But the coronavirus public health crisis has jumpstarted action in Congress, which has important implications for Massachusetts transportation. Join Congresswoman Katherine Clark and Beth Osborne, the Director of Transportation for America, who will help us unpack how the most recent stimulus package impacts local transportation and explain what we’ll need to do to make sure future transportation and infrastructure bills get it right. In partnership with the WGBH’s Forum Network, LivableStreets will be hosting a four-part virtual StreetTalk series focused on our streets, our transportation system, and the future of mobility. Each StreetTalk will feature a discussion with guest speakers followed by ample time for Q&A with the audience. Image Adam E. Moreira/[Wikimedia Commons](,_August_2005.jpg)