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Free People of Color in New England

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Thursday, April 22, 2004

A panel discusses New England's role in the conduct of the slave trade and the recent compilation of data related to that trade that makes this an auspicious time to examine new research in this area. New England's pride in its abolitionist heritage has long obscured the presence of slavery in the region for over 200 years from its first founding to the institution's ultimate demise through schemes of gradual emancipation.

Professor Winch received her Ph.D. from Bryn Mawr College. Her areas of specialty are African-American history, in both the United States and the Caribbean; the Early American Republic, and maritime history.
Professor Bryan Rommel-Ruiz has been teaching at The Colorado College since 1996 when he first arrived as a Minority-Scholar-In-Residence and Visiting Instructor in American History. He teaches a wide variety of courses in American History, African American History, US Southern History; World History, and Film and History. He has published articles and essays in these fields and is currently completing a book manuscript on Black Atlantic culture and politics in Rhode Island and Nova Scotia for The University of Pennsylvania Press. Professor Rommel-Ruiz is also writing a book manuscript on Charleston, South Carolina, and the Atlantic world that will be published by The University of Georgia Press. Additionally, he has a book-length manuscript under review about American Film and History.
PETER HINKS earned his Ph.D. in American history from Yale University in 1993. He has taught at Yale University, Bennington College, Grinnell College, and Hamilton College. He is the author of the award-winning book, To Awaken My Afflicted Brethren: David Walker and the Problem of Antebellum Slave Resistance. He works professionally in public history and has recently co-curated the new exhibit at the Historical Society of the Town of Greenwich, "Intimate Strangers: Slavery and Freedom in Fairfield County, 1700-1850." Dr. Hinks is the senior historian for a major exhibit on slavery and its demise in New York City, "Africans in New York, 1620-1865," which opened at the New York Historical Society in October 2005. With the late Professor John Blassingame and Professor Jack McKivigan, he co-edited Frederick Douglass' first two autobiographies, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and My Bondage and My Freedom. [Source: http://www.greenwood.com/catalog/author/H/Peter\_-\_Hinks.aspx]