Hear from the seven finalists for the 2019 Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting. Nominees conducted investigative reporting and created pieces that examine effective and ethical conduct of government, the making of public policy, or the practice of politics. **2019 Goldsmith Prize Finalists ** Connor Sheets, Alabama Media Group _Alabama’s ‘Beach House Sheriff’_ J. David McSwane and Andrew Chavez, _The Dallas Morning News_ _Pain and Profit_ Daffodil Altan, Andrés Cediel, Abbie VanSickle for The Investigative Reporting Program (IRP) at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism and FRONTLINE, PBS _Trafficked in America_ Barbara Laker, Wendy Ruderman, Dylan Purcell, Jessica Griffin, Garland Potts for _The Philadelphia Inquirer_ _Toxic City: Sick Schools_ Ginger Thompson, Michael Grabell, Topher Sanders, Melissa Sanchez, Duaa Eldeib, Jodi S. Cohen, Alex Mierjeski, Claire Perlman, Ken Schwencke, Adriana Gallardo, and staff for ProPublica _Zero Tolerance_ Christian Sheckler, Ken Armstrong for _South Bend Tribune_ ProPublica _Criminal Justice in Elkhart, Indiana_ Michael Rothfeld, Joe Palazzolo, Nicole Hong, Rebecca Davis O’Brien, Rebecca Ballhaus, Alexandra Berzon, Lukas I. Alpert, Michael Siconolfi, Carmel Lobello, Shelby Holliday, Jarrard Cole, Anthony Galloway, Joel Eastwood for _The Wall Street Journal's_ "Trump’s Hush Money" **Update:** following the panel discussion, the Shorenstein Center announced [the winner of the 2019 Goldsmith Awards.](https://shorensteincenter.org/2019-goldsmith-prize-winner/ "") Congratulations to J. David McSwane and Andrew Chavez of the _The Dallas Morning News_ for their series ["Pain and Profit"](https://interactives.dallasnews.com/2018/pain-and-profit/ ""). Financial support for the Goldsmith Awards Program is provided by an annual grant from the Goldsmith Fund of the Greenfield Foundation. The program is administered by the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.