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Exploring the Current Debate Over Patenting Life (Part 3)

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Date and time
Friday, January 28, 2011

In part three of the Exploring the Current Debate Over Patenting Life symposium, panelists discuss the future of gene patents. The symposium addresses the ongoing legal debate that surrounds patents on potentially therapeutic biomedical technologies, including gene patents. The symposium considers how other disciplines, including bioethics and economics, might help to inform the development of novel laws addressing the unique issues arising from the debate. The symposium includes a lecture discussing the role patents have played in spurring the innovation of adult stem cell-based therapies, as well as a presentation on genetic testing and the impact patents have had on patient access to new biomedical technologies.

Raymond Ku is Professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University School of Law and Co-Director of Case’s Center for Law, Technology and the Art. He received his J.D., cum laude, from New York University School of Law where he was a Leonard Boudin First Amendment Fellow in the Arthur Garfield Hays Civil Liberties Program, and his A.B. with Honors from Brown University where he was the recipient of the Philo Sherman Bennet Prize for the best political science thesis discussing the principles of free government. Professor Ku clerked for the Honorable Timothy K. Lewis, United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. He then practiced constitutional, intellectual property, and antitrust law with Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP, and First Amendment/media and intellectual property law with Levine Pierson Sullivan & Koch, L.L.P., both in Washington, D.C. He has taught at Cornell Law School, Seton Hall University School of Law, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, and St. Thomas University School of Law. An internationally recognized scholar, Professor Ku writes on legal issues impacting individual liberty, creativity, and technology. His articles appear in the law reviews and journals of Berkeley, Chicago, Fordham, Georgetown, Minnesota, Stanford, Tulane, Vanderbilt, and Wisconsin among others, and he is the lead author of the [first casebook devoted exclusively to the study of cyberspace law](https://www.amazon.com/Cyberspace-Law-Cases-Materials-Casebook/dp/1454837667/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Raymond+ku&qid=1576993510&s=books&sr=1-1) . Professor Ku was the 2009 recipient of the Case Western Reserve University Law Alumni Association’s Distinguished Teacher Award, and voted Professor of the Year by the graduating class of 2009. ![](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41ZMgY2sRAL._AC_UY218_ML3_.jpg)
Rebecca S. Eisenberg is a graduate of Stanford University and Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, where she was articles editor of the *California Law Review*. Following law school she served as law clerk for Chief Judge Robert F. Peckham on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California and then practiced law as a litigator in San Francisco. She joined the University of Michigan Law School faculty in 1984. Prof. Eisenberg regularly teaches courses in patent law, trademark law, FDA law, and runs workshops on intellectual property and student scholarship. She has previously taught courses on torts, legal regulation of science, and legal issues in biopharmaceutical research. Prof. Eisenberg has written and lectured extensively about the role of intellectual property in biopharmaceutical research, publishing in scientific journals as well as law reviews. She spent the 1999-2000 academic year as a visiting professor of law, science and technology at Stanford Law School. She has received grants from the program on Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of the Human Genome Project from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Biological and Environmental Research for her work on private appropriation and public dissemination of DNA sequence information. Prof. Eisenberg has played an active role in public policy debates concerning the role of intellectual property in biopharmaceutical research.