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Eugenie Scott: Deja vu all over again - Denialism of Climate Change and of Evolution

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Monday, February 10, 2014

Both evolution and global warming are 'controversial issues' in education, but are not controversial in the world of science. There is remarkable similarity in the techniques that are used by both camps to promote their views. The scientific issues are presented as 'not being settled', or that there is considerable debate among scientists over the validity of claims. Both camps practice 'anomaly mongering', in which a small detail, seemingly incompatible with either evolution or global warming, is held up as dispositive of either evolution or of climate science. Although in both cases, reputable, established science is under attack for ideological reasons, the underlying ideology differs: for denying evolution, the ideology of course is religious; for denying global warming, the ideology is political and/or economic. **Dr. Eugenie Scott** will deconstruct the arguments and identify the ideologies that hinder widespread understanding of evolution and responsiveness to climate change.

**Eugenie Scott**, a former university professor, served as the executive director of NCSE from 1987 to 2014; she now serves as the chair of NCSE's Advisory Council. Scott has been both a researcher and an activist in the creationism/evolution controversy for over twenty-five years, and speaks to its educational, legal, scientific, religious, and social issues. She has received national recognition for her NCSE activities, including awards from scientific societies, educational societies, skeptics groups, and humanist groups. She holds nine honorary degrees, from McGill, Rutgers, Mt. Holyoke, the University of New Mexico, Ohio State, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Colorado College, the University of Missouri-Columbia, and Chapman University. Scott is the author of \_Evolution vs Creationism\_ and co-editor, with Glenn Branch, of \_Not in Our Classrooms: Why Intelligent Design Is Wrong for Our Schools.\_