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Election 2008: Health Care in the Next Administration

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Date and time
Friday, September 12, 2008

Senior health policy advisors for the 2008 presidential election discuss their candidates' positions on health care reform. The future of health care in the United States, access, cost, and quality, is a critical issue in the 2008 election. David Cutler of Harvard University, health advisor to Democrat Barack Obama, and Gail Wilensky of Project HOPE, health advisor to Republican John McCain, discuss these issues in a symposium cosponsored by the Journal and the Harvard School of Public Health. The debate is moderated by Arnold Epstein, of the Journal and the Department of Health Policy and Management at HSPH, and features questions from a distinguished panel of experts: Karen Davis of the Commonwealth Fund, Jon Kingsdale of the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, and Thomas Lee of Partners HealthCare and the New England Journal of Medicine.