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Date and time
Wednesday, February 1, 2006

A panel discusses the implications of the report released in July 2005 entitled "Tapping America's Potential; The Education for Innovation Initiative", which outlined an aggressive blueprint for federal, state, and business engagement to double the number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduates with bachelor's degrees by 2015. This forum is held in conjunction with the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education quarterly board meeting.

Eloise Barron is the director of Georgia Dept Of Education.
Jan Kettlewell currently serves as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Pre-School-College Initiatives for the University System of Georgia. Georgia P-16 Initiatives focus on strengthening the quality of teaching and leadership in the public schools, on aligning standards, curriculum, and assessments for students from pre-school through completion of college, and on putting support systems in place to help students at all levels of education reach higher standards. Ms. Kettlewell has authored over eighty papers and has been the principal investigator or coauthor of educational-related grants in excess of $30 million.