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Economics of Open Content: Keynote

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Date and time
Monday, January 23, 2006

James Surowiecki, New Yorker staff writer and author of the bestselling book *The Wisdom of Crowds*, presents a keynote address on "Openness as an Ethos", exploring the benefits of distributed intelligence and collaborative problem-solving and new approaches to defining value and efficiency in the internet age. **Keynote address: "Openness as an Ethos" ** James Surowiecki, staff writer, The New Yorker, and author, The Wisdom of Crowds On January 23-24, 2006, [ Intelligent Television](http://www.intelligenttelevision.com/) hosts the Economics of Open Content symposium at MIT to bring together representatives from media industries, cultural and educational institutions, and legal and business minds to discuss how to make open content happen better and faster. With the support of the Hewlett Foundation and MIT Open Courseware, Intelligent Television brings representatives of commercial media industries (publishing, film, music, television, video, software, education/courseware, gaming) together with representatives of cultural and educational institutions who are innovative in this area and legal and business minds in the academy who are studying how to make this happen faster and better. New Yorker economics columnist and bestselling author (*The Wisdom of Crowds*) James Surowiecki keynotes at the Cambridge meeting, with a presentation entitled 'Openness as an Ethos.' Intelligent Television has been conducting a year-long investigation into the economics of open content. This project is a systematic study of why and how it makes sense for commercial companies and noncommercial institutions active in culture, education, and media to make certain materials widely available for free, and also how free services are finding new (sometimes commercial) ways of becoming sustainable. The project builds upon written work that Intelligent Television recently completed with the support of the Mellon Foundation and Ithaka on [Marketing Culture in the Digital Age](http://www.intelligenttelevision.com/marketingculture.htm), and also upon work now being completed as part of the Mellon Foundation-supported Commission on [Cyberinfrastructure in the Humanities and Social Sciences](http://www.acls.org/cyberinfrastructure/cyber.htm). The project also informs new economic models that Intelligent Television is establishing for its documentary work. This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/).

James Surowiecki has been a staff writer at *The New Yorker* since 2000, responsible for "The Financial Page". Surowiecki came to *The New Yorker* from *Slate*, where he wrote "the Moneybox column". He has also been a contributing editor at *Fortune* and a staff writer at *Talk*. Previously, he was the business columnist for New York magazine. He has contributed to *The Wall Street Journal*, *Wired*, *the New York Times Magazine*, *the Washington Post*, and *Lingua Franca*, and has written on subjects ranging from Silicon Valley to college basketball. His book, *The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies, and Nations*, was published in 2004.