Learn how Boston’s 18th-century gangs contributed to the city's well-organized riots and mob actions, from the Stamp Act Riots to the Boston Tea Party. Historian **Matthew Wilding** focuses on the life of well-known radical Patriot Ebenezer Mackintosh as he explores the theme of riot as political expression in colonial Boston.

**Matthew Wilding** is a Boston area native with a BA in history from Suffolk University. Additionally, Mr. Wilding has led tens of thousands of visitors on tours of Boston, operates an online site called [**The Guide's Guide to Boston**](http://theguidetoboston.com/ "The Guide") and has trained dozens of tour guides. He contributed a chapter on the Stamp Act crisis to \_Conflicts in American History: A Documentary Encyclopedia\_ and has written book reviews for \_The Historian\_. [Follow Matt on Twitter](https://twitter.com/matthewwilding "MWildingTwitter")