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Dueling Cartoonists: French and American

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Date and time
Friday, January 26, 2007

Cartoonist Mike Luckovich and French daily newspaper *Le Monde*'s Plantu, discuss their work, motivations, and personal experiences. Luckovich, born in Seattle, has worked for the *Atlanta Journal-Constitution* since 1989. His cartoons are reprinted regularly by the *New York Times*, the *Washington Post*, and *Newsweek*. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning in 1995 and 2006, the National Cartoonist Society Editorial Cartoon Award in 2001 and the 2005 Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year. He was the guest of honor at Bastille Day 2006 for which he drew the invitation cover illustration. Plantu says this about himself: "This tour gives me the opportunity to meet American cartoonists and learn how they work. Wherever I go, I have a habit of probing my colleagues in order to better understand how much room for expression and creativity their respective countries allow them. I always try to figure out the line that cannot be crossed. Every country has its taboos and France is no exception. I would also like to understand why many American cartoonists have an educational background that the French cartoonists don't always have. What sort of education exists for aspiring cartoonists in the US? Do journalism programs encompass cartooning? Through these debates, I show how a cartoonist works, but above all, I talk about the journalistic circle and the media in France with regard to cartoons. I explain how, once I've been given a subject by my editor-in-chief, I try to transform news information into an editorial image. I should also say that at *Le Monde*, it is possible to make editorial cartoons that stray from the newspaper's view. This sometimes happens and I show examples. It's a great opportunity for free speech. The political correctness movement has somewhat paralyzed the media, and the cartoonists, along with the columnists, have become the last line of defense against it."

Michael Edward Luckovich is a multiple Pulitzer Prize award winning cartoonist for *The Atlanta Journal Constitution*.
"Je souhaite continuer à dessiner sans que l'on me mette une étiquette. Et j'énerverai tout le monde ; mais ça, j'ai l'habitude, ça fait partie de mon travail."