Will COVID change everything? Will it change how we work, educate, govern, and play? Political strategist Roger Fisk leads a discussion with climate change expert Mark Boyer, economist Daron Acemoglu, human rights advocate Shareen Hertel, and pollster David Paleologos to explore what may come next as the pandemic progresses. In addition to considering the future of climate, politics, economics, social justice, and popular mobilization, they examine who may emerge from this massive inflection point as winners or losers. Finally, they explore the concept of crisis as an opportunity to fundamentally re-imagine and address some of the massive issues we face as a community, a nation, and a global society. This Suffolk University lecture series, presented with the Ford Hall Forum and WGBH Forum Network, is designed as a broad examination of the themes of interest to political scientists and public policy experts. The series is part of a novel online course offered to incoming Suffolk students and made available to the public. **Follow the course: Week 9 Assignment** Listen: [How green will Europe’s economic revival be?](https://politico.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e26c1a1c392386a968d02fdbc&id=8c52b433e4&e=e5164aaaf4) Pascal Canfin, the chair of the European Parliament’s environment committee, outlines what MEPs want to see from the EU’s recovery plan. Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron outlined their vision for that plan this week but how does the Parliament think the money should be raised and spent, particularly to help the EU meet its climate goals? [Imagining the New 9-5](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/imagining-the-new-9-5-teresa-ghilarducci/id1200758267?i=1000475066778) **Read:** Michael Osterholm, Mark Olshaker. “Chronicle of a Pandemic Foretold: Learning from the Covid-19 Failure – Before the Next Outbreak Arrives.” Foreign Affairs. 5/21/2020. ([PDF](https://cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/sites.suffolk.edu/dist/9/1764/files/2020/06/Coronavirus_-Chronicle-of-a-Pandemic-Foretold.pdf)) The RAND Blog: [Relaxing COVID-19 Restrictions Presents Stark Health and Economic Choices](https://www.rand.org/blog/2020/05/relaxing-covid-19-restrictions-presents-stark-health.html) Project Syndicate: [How to Reset the US Pandemic Response](https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/deep-roots-of-disastrous-us-covid19-response-by-roman-frydman-and-gernot-wagner-2020-05?barrier=accesspaylog) Project Syndicate: [Time for a Great Reset](https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/great-reset-capitalism-covid19-crisis-by-klaus-schwab-2020-06?barrier=accesspaylog) Project Syndicate: [The Post-COVID State](https://www.project-syndicate.org/onpoint/four-possible-trajectories-after-covid19-daron-acemoglu-2020-06?utm_source=Project%20Syndicate%20Newsletter&utm_campaign=26aa4844a0-sunday_newsletter_07_06_2020&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_73bad5b7d8-26aa4844a0-93732177&mc_cid=26aa4844a0&mc_eid=644f0cb942&barrier=accesspaylog ) **Civic Engagement Activity & Reflection** Engage in at least one civic / political event of your choice during the course and document this with a short reflection essay. Try a virtual town or city hall meeting with local or state representatives, a meeting of an activist group, etc. The reflection should draw on readings from assignments and your own additional research. Members of the public who wish to share their reflections should post a link on Twitter and tag [@GBHForumNetwork ](https://twitter.com/GBHForumNetwork) and [@supolscilegal](https://twitter.com/supolscilegal).