Dan Ariely studies the bugs in our moral code and Mark Moffett studies the bugs under our feet. Ariely, in *Predictably Irrational* and *The Upside of Irrationality*, gives example after hilarious example of people behaving irrationally despite their most closely held beliefs. Moffett, the “Indiana Jones of entomology” reveals the incredible and utterly rational behavior of ants in *Adventures Among Ants: A Global Safari with a Cast of Trillions*. Hosted by TV and radio personality Faith Salie. Sponsored by the Plymouth Rock Foundation.

Dan Ariely is the James B. Duke Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke University, with appointments at the Fuqua School of Business, the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Department of Economics. He has also held a visiting professorship at MIT’s Media Lab. He has appeared on CNN and CNBC, and is a regular commentator on National Public Radio’s *Marketplace*. He lives in Durham, North Carolina, with his wife and two children.

As a Research Associate in Entomology at the Smithsonian Institution, Mark Moffett – “the Indiana Jones of entomology” – travels the world to investigate the ecology of forest canopies and the behavior of social insects, especially ants. After studying with renowned conservationist (and Boston Book Festival 2010 presenter) E. O. Wilson, Moffett served as Associate Curator of Entomology (in charge of the world's largest ant collection) and Research Associate in Entomology at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University and was also Associate of the Anthropology Department at the Peabody Museum at Harvard Today his research and National Geographic photography are interspersed with writing and public lecturing about rain forests. He has appeared on “Late Night with Conan O’Brien,” “The Colbert Report,” and NPR. His newest book, Adventures Among Ants, delivers ”a stunning mix of adventure photography and hard scientific inquiry that ranks with the best work of Jacques Cousteau” (Boston Globe). For his work, Moffett has received the 2006 Lowell Thomas Medal from the Explorers Club and was the sixth recipient of the Roy Chapman Andrew Society Distinguished Explorer Award.

Faith Salie is a television and radio host, commentator, interviewer, "ethics expert," actor, comedian, and journalist, but she prefers to be called, simply, a protean raconteuse. She was the host and executive producer of the National Public Radio show “Fair Game from PRI with Faith Salie.” During its 300 episode run, she conducted over 1000 interviews with the likes of President Carter, Lorne Michaels, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Slash, Elizabeth Edwards, Norah Jones, Oliver Sacks, Tom Brokaw, and a family of champion elk callers. On television, Faith stars in the upcoming Planet Green series “Treehugger TV.” She hosts the Sundance Channel’s coverage of the Sundance Film Festival, and was also one of the stars in the critically acclaimed improvisational sitcom, “Significant Others” on Bravo. She was first known for her role as Sarina Douglas on "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine." Faith is a contributor to O, the Oprah magazine as an ethics reporter, and also regularly writes for Slate.com and Oprah.com. As a commentator on politics and current events, Faith is a contributor to CBS Sunday Morning and is a regular guest on Fox News' late-night talk show “Red Eye” and NPR's “Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me.” Faith has regularly performed as a stand-up comedian at the Hollywood Improv. She is also a television writer and has created/executive produced pilots for Fox, VH-1, and the Oxygen Network. Faith is a Rhodes scholar who graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard. She completed an M.Phil. in Literature at Oxford University.