Steve Hawley, author of _CRACKED: The Future of Dams in a Hot, Chaotic World_, will explore the ramifications of the extraordinary dam building boom of the last century that culminated in 800,000 dams worldwide today. What impact are they having on biodiversity loss, heat buildup and aridification of the land? He is joined in conversation by author and essayist David James Duncan and Beth Lambert, Director of the Division of Ecological Restoration in Massachusetts. ### Resources [Link to "Cracked"- Steve Hawley's book]( [Link to Steve Hawley's film on Salmon and dams ]() [Massachusetts Dam Removals]( [American Rivers Dam Removal Map]( [Edwards Dam]( [Methane Emissions from Reservoirs]( [Fluvial (River) Personhood]( [About the Snake River]( [Article on indigenous people and their fight to save the lower Snake river]( [Three GorgesDam in China]( [About Glen Canyon Dam]( [Film by Patagonia about removing dams](