The Museum of Science, in collaboration with WGBH, hosts a free, community-wide town-hall forum to discuss the latest details around the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). This is an opportunity to join a discussion with experts and local leaders and ask questions. Learn more about making informed decisions for you and your family, the science behind this outbreak, local and state resiliency planning, and community support resources and organizing. Moderated by Arun Rath, host of WGBH News' All Things Considered, a team of local experts including Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, Dr. Larwrence Madoff and Dr. Jennifer Lo will answer questions from the public — in person and online — beginning at 3:30 p.m. **Watch the livestream here.** Online viewers can ask questions via with the code #moscovid19. Learn more about the Coronavirus and the implications it has on an individual and community level.