By the end of this century, the coast of Massachusetts is expected to witness a sea level rise between two and six feet. And superstorms are expected to become more frequent and more powerful. This will create an urgent need for society to respond in new and creative ways. Policy makers and technologists will need to take a broad and systems-based approach to energy policy - including resiliency, efficiency, grid infrastructure and urban design. Adaptation will be necessary, but will itself not be sufficient. Further carbon reduction strategies - especially renewable and energy efficiency - will also be necessary. A group of experts talk about the policies that will shape Massachusetts’ strategy for future resiliency and explain some of the big data tools and models that will help us cope. There are also private sector responses and technologies that will enable us to accelerate and expand our emerging energy economy, while simultaneously adapting to the changing climate. **Extra:** [Listen to an MITEF podcast with Peter Kelly Detwiler.]( "") Photo: Coast Guard/Flickr