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Chris Webber: Achieving Your Career Dreams

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Date and time
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Basketball Legend Chris Webber talks with freshman students at Atlanta's Grady High School on how to go through a process of achieving career goals. He tells kids that the thing that's your hobby today, might be your talent. Find something that you love to do, find people that you love to work with who will encourage you, don't listen to the "haters" when they say you can't do it, write a list of all the negative things and the reasons that you shouldn't make it, and then go get what you are looking for.

Millions of fans know Chris Webber best for his outstanding athletic ability on the basketball court but C-Webb, as he is affectionately known, leads the pack in more than just sports. Businessman, broadcaster and philanthropist are also a part of his impressive repertoire. Demonstrating impressive leadership abilities at a young age, Webber’s “win-win” attitude, along with his ability to inspire others, propelled his Detroit Country Day High School basketball team to an unprecedented three Michigan state high school basketball titles. At the University of Michigan, Webber excelled at an even higher level. As one-fifth of the Wolverines’ all-freshmen line-up, dubbed the “Fab Five,” Webber helped give college basketball a facelift as well as set fashion trends. Millions fell in love with the Fab Five as they made consecutive NCAA Finals appearances in 1992 and 1993. Along the way, they set some of the highest television ratings, merchandise sales marks and attendance records in NCAA history. Not only was Webber the first player in history to make the NCAA All-Tournament team as both a freshmen and a sophomore but, when he entered the NBA Draft in 1993, he became the first college sophomore since fellow Michigan native and NBA legend Earvin “Magic” Johnson to garner the #1 overall pick.