Emmy Award–winning MSNBC news anchor Chris Hayes, author of the _New York Times_ bestselling book _Twilight of the Elites_, came to Boston for a panel discussion on inequality in America. He was joined at the Old South Church by Emerson College's Jabari Asim and Suffolk University Law School's Frank Rudy Cooper. Anthony Brooks moderated the conversation. In his latest book, _A Colony in a Nation_, Hayes argues that there are really two Americas: a colony and a nation. America likes to tell itself that it inhabits a postracial world, yet nearly every empirical measure—wealth, unemployment, incarceration, school segregation—reveals that racial inequality has barely improved since 1968, when Richard Nixon became our first “law and order” president. Hayes contends our country has fractured in two: the Colony and the Nation. In the Nation, we venerate the law. In the Colony, we obsess over order, fear trumps civil rights, and aggressive policing resembles occupation. A Colony in a Nation explains how a country founded on justice now looks like something uncomfortably close to a police state. How and why did Americans build a system where conditions in Ferguson and West Baltimore mirror those that sparked the American Revolution? Photo: By [California Department of Corrections](http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/News/background_info.html "")