Iris Chang, author of *Thread of the Silkworm* and *The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II*, an account of Japanese war crimes in Nanking, China, speaks about her latest book, *The Chinese in America: A Narrative History*.

Iris Chang is one of the nation's leading young historians. Her many accolades include the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation's Program on Peace and International Cooperation Award, the Woman of the Year award from the Organization of Chinese Americans, and two honorary doctorates (from the College of Wooster in Ohio, and California State University at Hayward). Chang has written for numerous publications, such as The New York Times, Newsweek and The Los Angeles Times, and has been featured by countless radio, television and print media, including Nightline, The Jim Lehrer News Hour, Charlie Rose, Good Morning America, C-Span's Booknotes, and the front cover of Reader's Digest. Chang also lectures frequently before business, university and other groups interested in human rights, World War II history, Cold War history, the Asian-American experience, Sino-American relations, and the future of American civil liberties. She worked briefly as a reporter for The Associated Press and The Chicago Tribune before completing a graduate degree in writing from the Johns Hopkins University and launching her career as a full-time author and lecturer.