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Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

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Branded Content & Storytelling

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Date and time
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Branded entertainment is on the rise, with companies as varied as Starbucks, Pepsi, Lego, Marriott, LVMH, Patagonia and Red Bull launching both short, episodic and feature narratives and documentaries. How can producers advise brands to deliver genuine value to the audience leading them to opt-in with their attention and the resulting equity? Our panelists believe investing in quality content that makes a connection with their audience without interruption is a good place to start. This panel covers the current state of branded content and show compelling case-studies of brand funded projects, distribution and marketing campaigns. Image: [pexels.com](https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-paper-with-people-diagram-print-900108/ "branded content")

Megan Cunningham is the CEO of Magnet Media, a global strategic studio. Magnet's mission is to tell stories that matter. The studio was one of the pioneers of web/mobile video, and produces premium video at scale through tech-enabled creativity. The team at Magnet creates award-winning video series for media companies and global brands. Focusing on 4 areas: kids/parents, media, tech and finance – their clients include Google, Airbnb, Disney, Intel, The TED Talks, Adobe, Mattel, NBC, TIAA-CREF, Chase, Blackrock, PBS, and The Food Network among others. [massmediaexpo.com](https://www.massmediaexpo.com/branded-content "Megan Cunningham")
Brian Newman is the founder of Sub-Genre, a consulting company working with major brands and nonprofits to design and implement strategic marketing campaigns using films and new media. Brian has developed overall film strategy, business development and marketing strategies for major brands including Patagonia, Yeti Coolers, Levi’s and Vulcan Productions among others. Current and former clients include: Patagonia, developing film strategies and marketing and distribution for numerous films, including DamNation; The Fisherman’s Son, and Jumbo Wild; Sundance Institute on the Transparency Project; Vulcan Productions on sponsorships for Racing Extinction and We the Voters; Imprint Projects on festival strategy for two films for Levi’s; Yeti Coolers on media strategy and film distribution and marketing, including 60 shorts and the feature doc Charged; and several filmmakers on fundraising, distribution and marketing. Brian is also the producer of Love & Taxes, and executive producer of Shored Up, The Invisible World and Remittance. Brian has served as CEO of the Tribeca Film Institute, president of Renew Media and executive director of IMAGE Film & Video. Brian serves on the boards of Rooftop Films, Muse Film & Television and IndieCollect and the advisory board of the Camden International Film Festival. He was born in North Carolina and has an MA in Film Studies from Emory University.
Rob Sheard leads Zero Point Zero's collaborations with brands and foundations on award winning creative output across multiple platforms, touchpoints and experiences to engage audiences on their terms to build a sustained connection. Recent projects include the film Wasted! The Story of Food Waste supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and an Emmy nominated special episode of The Mind of a Chef in partnership with Sonos.